Thursday, January 2, 2020
Differences Between Same Sex Marriages Essay - 2574 Words
The possibilities of finding your soulmate is already slim, the possibilities of he/she being your marriage partner is slimmer, why make it any harder, by not letting the couple enjoy the experience of planning and getting married, just because they are of the same gender. This bibliography will have a compare and contrast between same sex marriages. As well different opinions that are found online of said subject. For example, why we should or shouldn’t have same sex marriages, compare and contrast, I as well will be supporting my opinion in the matter, those would be in a married family, community/society, the church and the state, and finally my conclusion on the matter. Compare and Contrast: on same sex marriages in a married life with children. If you are planning or getting married, then maybe you are also debating on having children or not, like any other family. But same sex couples can’t reproduce children if they are of the same gender, at least not of the same parent, unless they have donor or so, especially in the family, but the bad news it’s expensive, but good news more money into hospitals, as well that some people are against it, â€Å"If the â€Å"spouses†want a child, they must circumvent nature by costly and artificial means or employ surrogates. The natural tendency of such a union is not to create families. Therefore, we cannot call a same-sex union marriage and give it the benefits of true marriage.†. The homosexual couple can also adopt a child, which willShow MoreRelatedThe Differences Between Marriage And Civil Partnership Essay1335 Words  | 6 Pages in her article established that the difference between marriage and civil partnership about the ‘commitment ceremony or divine blessing is based on same relationship relating to the marriage couple. 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