Sunday, January 26, 2020
Types of Personal Selling
Types of Personal Selling It is used as visualized, when you see a printed or sound based advertisement, you can remember those advertisement for long in your mind. E.g.: Print advertisements, advertisements in Television, Radio, Billboard, Broachers and Catalogues, In-store display, motion pictures, banner ads, web pages, posters are some of the examples of advertising The more you advertise, you can develop the brand Whenever you see the advertisement , you remember the product or service so, the product has long term image Slide 06 Sales promotion Examples: Contests, product samples, Coupons, trade shows and exhibitions. Slide 07 Popular sales promotion Buy one get one free when you buy one product you get the same product as free Customer relationship management incentive such as bonus points or money off coupons. Customer relationship management is from banks to super markets E.g.: Apico provides privilege card to the customers Nolimit provides Arampaima Card to the customers Nexus Card provide more benefit for the customers New Media website and mobile phones that support a sales promotion E.g.: in UK nestle printed individual codes on KIT-KAT packaging, whereby a consumer would enter the code into a dynamic website to see if they had won prize. Consumers could also text codes via mobile phone to the same effect. Free gift Buy one product and get one product free as a gift. Joint promotions buy one product of one brand and you get another brand product as free Free samples Tasting of food and drinks at sampling points in supermarkets E.g. Red Bull was given away to potential consumer at supermarkets, in high streets and at petrol stations (by a promotion team) Vouchers coupons often seen in newspaper and magazine, on pack. Slide 10 Direct marketing Roles Influential tool for building customer relationship- when you communicate with the customer directly, the relationship between both with be build. Enable Company to interact with the customer directly- company can directly move with the customers. Company can get regular feedback from customer Company can get regular feedback from the customers E.g. Nestlà ©s baby food records a database of new parents and post them personalized parcels of gift and give them guidance at key phase in babys life. As they get in touch with more concerned consumer at the best times. Slide 13 Understanding buyer Behavior If you want your business to be successful you have to understand their buying behavior. Especially in todays competitive world. Unless you understand it is very hard to gain them as customers and keep them loyal. Buying behavior is one of the elements you need for a customer profile. Slide 14 Environmental Affects Multiple methods used to find environmental forces exist. One such method is called the PEST analysis because it lists the political, economic, socio cultural and technological factors that can influence the business environment. Examples of such factors that can influence personal selling include legislation on fraud and on content in marketing, the average income of potential customers, local etiquette and the technologies potential customers tend to use. Economic, socio cultural and technological factors are particularly important in personal selling because understanding these factors lets management figure out what products to sell and the best sales methods. For example, a business might choose to use an advertising-driven pull approach rather than the more aggressive push approach in a culture in which approaching strangers is frowned upon. In this example, salespeople would be used more as sources of information to confirm the purchase decisions of customers already pulled in by advertising campaigns. Slide 15 Managerial Affects E.g. management might choose a push approach to selling in which salespeople are expected to seek out potential customers and attempt to sell to them directly rather than relying on advertising to pull them in. In this example, management would plan out the processes needed to support a push selling campaign, hire and train salespeople suited to the aggressive push mindset, direct them in their day-to-day selling and use this experience to improve on their initial plans. Slide 16 Main types of personal selling Delivery people E.g. Milkman, Fisherman and nowadays bakery staffs are brought through three wheels. Salespeople E.g. people who try to sell the company product at supermarkets. Door to door Selling salespeople who visits house by house and sell the product. This is all about the role of personal selling. Hope u guys understood the lectures. Thanks for listening to my lectures. Task 02 2.1 There are difference in the nature of sales tasks and skills in variety of contexts Agree or Disagree I agree this statement because, the general duties expected of any sales person, the duties and responsibilities hand over to a sales person depend mainly on the nature of business. The job description is evident in multiple industries including Pharmaceutical Sales, Insurance Sales, Retail Sales and Internet Sales. Therefore, the role of a sales person in the Pharmaceutical industry may not be the same with a sales person in the Insurance Sales or in the Internet Sales. While a sales person in the Retail Sales may be in a store attending to customers, an Insurance Sales person is required to be out in the field and sell the insurance to the customers. Sales Representatives play a major role in the success of their individual companies. They are the reason clients, customers or buyers may either be satisfied or not. And they are required to make the best of this opportunity by offering quality service to customers. They are supposed to know the ins and outs of their companys products and services so they can educate clients on how these products and services can be used to reduce costs or increase revenue. More often than not, a sales person is required to spend much time travelling and visiting prospective buyers and current clients to remind them how committed the company is to satisfying their personal and business needs. 2.2 Sales staff members who are operating in an international environment should play a different role compared with sales staff member from local environment Sales staffs in an international environment and local environment both are similar, both sales persons will be having a good knowledge about the product or service, competitors, buyer behavior and thy directly communicate to the customers and receive the feedback. All these are done by both the salesperson but the different are the sales person in an international environment will be using the language which is understood by the customers and as He/she is in an international environment they knows the customer expectations on the product or service. So, he /she will react according to the customers willingness. 2.3 there is a possibility to explain the purpose of participating for the trade fairs Trade fair is an event dedicated to a particular industry and acts as a platform for bringing together buyers and sellers in different regions, under one roof. The product manufacturers, dealers, resellers, importers and exporters are the main participants in a trade fair. The first consideration for organizing a trade fair is its feasibility. A market analysis needs to be done to get an idea of the response that a trade fair will get, once it starts. The interest shown by the potential visitors and exhibitors decides the success or failure of a trade fair. Just like a well-organized trade fair can benefit the entire industry, similarly fair trading can prove very important for the reputation of companies. Trade fairs are the meeting point of people from different geographical areas. These people can have different motives for attending a trade show. Some might come to the fairs strictly for business purposes; people like businessman and student who are doing the higher education and others might only be interested in grabbing new friends on the same age. Whatever may be the reason for their visit, visitors are always on the lookout for something interesting and worth remembering. Even though a boring trade fair may still do good business, but it will never be able to reach high heights in popularity. By conducting trade fairs the companies get opportunities of getting new customers, new market, new competitors, new distributors, new agents and new partners for the company. Trade fair helps the company in promotion, marketing and publicity all these happens from participating in trade fairs. For example trade fair of Sri Lanka Expo 2012 organized by the Sri Lankan Export Development Board at BMICH. The Exhibition provided an ideal opportunity of Sri Lankan exporters to showcase their quality export products and services, traditional and non-traditional at a single platform with over 300 stalls to an international audience. Edex Expro 2012 trade fair. Task 03 Role and objectives of sales management Sales Management was in the beginning meant for sales personnel. It had a narrow point of view of directing the sales personnel of an organization. Sales Management has gained a broader perspective, which includes management and implementation of all marketing activities via advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, distribution, pricing and others. Appropriate recruitment and selection procedures are made by several ways those are Job advertising through newspapers, websites, mass medias and VCT professional magazines Campus recruitment Hayleys, dialog these types of organizations go to universities and do workshops and get people. Employee agencies- they give the JS to the job agencies and get employees Getting data base from the organizations e.g.: NDB bank and Aviva is doing this. There are internal and external methods of recruitment, advantages of internal recruitment are Internal Employees are most familiar to the organization and its culture, The cost of recruiting internal employees is less, Motivates the existing staffs, Strengthens the employee relation, Banks recruiting employees internally. The disadvantages of external recruitment are Wide selection big pool, Infusion of fresh blood people with new ideas and thinks, Element of competition we can competitive and get people from outside, Can get the employer brand advantage, Can spot the best talent from the competitors, Development cost is less. The appropriate selection made is made by interviewing the candidates. There are three methods of interview they are; one- one interviews interview one and make comfort for the candidate. Broad interviews, Stress interviews when recruiting military people it is better, Group interview. The two techniques used to co-ordinate and control sales output are, appraisal and performance and budget and profitability. Appraisal and performance is used to provide an assessment of current performance against which future improvements can be measured and training needs established. We can evaluate the employees and get feedbacks to achieve the target of the organization. Budget and profitability will be used to achieve the sales targets and to increase the sales output. An organizational structure is an internal representation of how persons are positioned in an organization and further can be used to identify the level of power and responsibility given to each person within the organization. It is better to have the matrix structure, where each department has each manager. If there is a problem in one department, that department manager can make the decisions. By motivating and training the employees we can enhance sales performance at the organization. By motivating the employees they work for the organization, by that we can achieve the goals of the organization. Training for the sales staffs are necessary, they should be trained as on the job training. Where they will be supervised by the top management, by workshops and by conducting lectures, where they will explain how to communicate with the customers and the knowledge of product and about the company. All theses will make a sales staff to start the sales. The Roles and objective of a Sales management is to identify a sales staff and motivate him/her then train him/her will the necessary skills and connect him/her to the organization structure and used the appropriate technique to enhance the sales output.
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